The National Wildlife Federation (NWF) believes people’s experiences in the United States with cherished landscapes and wildlife has helped define and shape the nation’s character and identity for generations. In order to save wildlife and people, NWF understands it is critical to operationalize and embed equity and justice into their organizational policies, practices, and programs. Hear how NWF strives to increase diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice in all elements of their work and also the work with their partners.
The beginning of a long but essential journey
Under NWF’s commitment to equity and justice, they have achieved the following:
Established effective and diverse staff and board Equity and Justice committees;
Hired their first Director of Equity and Justice;
Accepted into the first-ever Equity and Environment Leadership Cohort;
Implemented equity and justice organization-wide learnings;
Updated the standards of affiliation to include equity and justice language, ensuring that the future of the Federation family is equitable and just.
“We are better collaborators and will only achieve our mission when our staff and partners reflect the full diversity of our country, including but not limited to: race, gender, ethnicity, sexual identity, socio-economic status, age, ability, religion, and political philosophy.” (NWF)
“We can carry out our work with greater mindfulness and inclusivity if we recognize the social, economic, and political contexts that shaped the early environmental and conservation movements, and resulted in cultural biases that permeate our institutions today. Only by understanding and addressing these biases will we justly and equitably engage with one another while pursuing our conservation goals.” (NWF)
“We work more effectively by empowering staff, affiliates, members, and partners to support and ensure that this commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice is incorporated into our vision, organizational structure, budget, and work.” (NWF)