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CBF Student Field Programs allow students to connect with waterways and habitats across the watershed, including ones in their own communities. Photo Credit: Chesapeake Bay Foundation


Chesapeake Bay Foundation

Founded in 1966, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) is the largest independent conservation organization dedicated solely to saving the Bay. Serving as a watchdog, we fight for effective, science-based solutions to the pollution degrading the Chesapeake Bay and its rivers and streams.

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The conservation movement, from it’s very beginning, has relied on a Eurocentric, paternalistic, and capitalistic worldview that posits that the way to ‘fix’ mankind’s poor stewardship, is with an ill-fated approach of using the same tools for repair as had used in the degradation and destruction of the natural world.  What we need is a ‘new’ way at looking at conservation – and that ‘new’ is actually what Green 2.0 is built to take on – bringing voices of the ‘other’, the old wisdom - embedded in the worldviews of other people and other cultures.

Michael E. Roberts, Tlingit

President & CEO, First Nations Development Institute