Union of Concerned Scientists
The Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) leverages rigorous, independent science to develop solutions and advocate for a healthy, safe, and just future. Upholding values of integrity, equity, and democracy, UCS strives for science in service of people and the planet, ensuring justice for all races and incomes while inspiring action for a better world.
Our Partners
Conflict of Interest Policy: Green 2.0 is committed to identifying, avoiding, and managing actual or perceived conflicts of interest relating to its activities partnering with NGOs or foundations who participate in our Transparency Report Card. Financially supporting or partnering with Green 2.0 does not prevent the organization from publicly reporting or communicating about the state of racial and ethnic diversity of an NGO or foundation.
The conservation movement, from it’s very beginning, has relied on a Eurocentric, paternalistic, and capitalistic worldview that posits that the way to ‘fix’ mankind’s poor stewardship, is with an ill-fated approach of using the same tools for repair as had used in the degradation and destruction of the natural world. What we need is a ‘new’ way at looking at conservation – and that ‘new’ is actually what Green 2.0 is built to take on – bringing voices of the ‘other’, the old wisdom - embedded in the worldviews of other people and other cultures.
Michael E. Roberts, Tlingit
President & CEO, First Nations Development Institute