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Diversity gaps persist at green groups — report

December 13, 2022

December 13, 2022

Green 2.0 Team

By Robin Bravender. Read at E&E News.

Major environmental groups have made strides on hiring people of color, but diversity gaps in leadership persist, according to a new report released Tuesday.

Environmental nonprofits reported that 36.5 percent of their full-time staff identified as people of color in 2021, a boost of 3.5 percent from the previous year. Most of the full-time staff at those groups — 59.5 percent — were white, says the report card from Green 2.0.

The nonprofit releases an annual report aimed at documenting environmental groups’ efforts to come through on their pledges to boost diversity within their own organizations and in the environmental movement more broadly.

“The status quo is neither sustainable nor effective,” Green 2.0 Executive Director Andrés Jimenez said Tuesday at an event unveiling the report card in Washington, D.C.