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Ansha Zaman

AFFILIATION: Center for Earth Energy and Democracy

TITLE: Federal Policy Director

LOCATION: Minnesota

LANGUAGE: English, Hindi

EXPERTISE AREA: Asian/Asian-American Communities, Climate Change, DEIJ, Ocean Justice


Ansha Zaman is a policy advocate, researcher and organizer. Born and raised in Dhaka, Bangladesh her values on environmental advocacy are deeply rooted in decolonial scholarship, and leadership emerging from climate change impacted communities across the world. As Federal Policy Director for the Center for Earth, Energy and Democracy (CEED), Ansha combines strategic policy development with effective partnership and coalition building to advocate for policies that lead to reduction of harm and greater access to benefits from energy systems, in environmental justice (EJ) communities. Through her partnerships, she uplifts the important work carried out by EJ advocates by conducting outreach with and in congressional offices to ensure that implemented federal policy includes the voices of environmental justice advocates. Ansha is based in Minneapolis, Minnesota and is deeply invested in promoting the momentum of climate change dialogues in the Midwest at local and regional levels. As an educator Ansha continues to organize quarterly workshops to provide community members with educational resources on energy assistance services in the Twin Cities. In addition to serving on several local community advisory boards, Ansha has served on American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy’s (ACEEE) Low Income Energy Efficiency Working Group and Environmental Law Institutes’ (ELI) EJ Advisory Council. Ansha holds an MS in Environmental Policy and Planning from the University of Michigan and a BS in Environmental Engineering from Smith College.


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