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PRESS RELEASE: Green 2.0 Statement on Trump Administration’s Withdrawal from Paris Climate Accords

June 2, 2017

Green 2.0 Team

For Immediate Release: June 1, 2017

Contact: Mia Jacobs,, 201-919-0333

The following is a statement from Whitney Tome, Executive Director of Green 2.0, an independent advocacy campaign to increase diversity among environmental groups:

“We are dismayed at today’s decision from the Trump Administration to withdraw from the Paris Climate Accords. The Paris Agreement represented historic global cooperation to respond to a problem that affects us all. This move is an insult to that legacy and a blow to the worldwide battle against climate change.

“Despite this setback, Green 2.0 remains committed to working in partnership with the green movement and bringing leaders of color into this fight. It will take a robust, inclusive coalition to defend our connected and diverse world from the growing crisis of climate change—especially because people of color and our most vulnerable communities will be disproportionately impacted by the disastrous consequences of that crisis. Yet, we are heartened by the number of organizations, companies, and people who are standing by their commitment to the climate.

“The Trump Administration is gambling with our planet’s future, but Green 2.0 is not playing that game—and neither is our movement. Today doesn’t change that.”