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Featured blog post

Shane Araujo is a research assistant and the junior editor for the Hot & Cold NYC team at the Energy, Equity, Housing, and Health program (E2H2 at Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health) led by Dr. Diana Hernández. In this blog, Shane discusses the importance of social media as a critical tool for uplifting marginalized voices, particularly those who experience energy insecurity in New York City.

Previous Blog Posts

Andres Aguilar

Andres Aguilar on the Future of the Environmental Movement

Student Andres Aguilar writes a guest blog on the importance of having BIPOC at the table in leadership positions in the environmental field, and how his own life experiences cemented his passion for the environment.
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Welcome to our blog!

We’re excited to kick off this new feature by featuring our fellow, Chandler Johnson. She will be guest blogging and interviewing leaders in the environmental movement.
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