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Congressional Education

Green 2.0 is a non-profit and nonpartisan organization, as such our Congressional education work shares research and objective information to help Members of Congress keep updated on diversity in the environmental movement.

Today, people of color are the most likely to be harmed by environmental problems and have the highest rates of support for environmental causes, but remain severely underrepresented on the staff and boards of foundations, environmental non-governmental organizations and federal agencies. Green 2.0’s mission is to ensure that the environmental movement is committed to justice, equity, inclusion, and diversity, and recognizes the leadership of people of color at every level of the movement.

what we do

Report on Transparency

The Green 2.0 Transparency Report Card reflects data collected from NGOs and foundations on the number of people of color and women on their full-time staffs, senior staffs, and boards. Our report card offers organizations the opportunity for regular reflection, self-evaluation, and action.

Track Foundation Spending

We track how foundations allocate grants and if they are driving funds to communities of color and Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) led organizations to assess if they are investing resources in these communities.

Increase Visibility

We hold events and create resources for environmental foundations and NGOs to help produce a shared understanding of the state of green diversity and inclusion.

Amplify Our Message

We work with partners, grassroot organizations, and frontline communities to ensure that the media and other stakeholders report and discuss the need for diversity in the environmental movement. We also spotlight media coverage and organizations that highlight diverse voices and lift up their work and messages.

Educate Congress

We serve as a resource to congressional offices to educate them on our objective data. We partner with Congress to increase accountability for NGOs, foundations, and federal agencies to hire and retain diverse personnel. We co-host events and briefings on diversity in the environmental movement and environmental justice.

Our Work

We are dedicated to increasing diversity across mainstream environmental NGOs, foundations and government agencies. Our work highlights the lack of diversity across these sectors so we can create a path forward for change.

Letter to Congressional Committees to Increase Racial and Ethnic Diversity in Hearing Witnesses
In June, Green 2.0 sent a letter to Congressional committees with jurisdiction over environmental issues asking them to increase racial and ethnic diversity in hearing witnesses. Hearings are an integral element of the policy making process, and the inclusion of witnesses of color is key to ensuring that people across our nation have their voices heard. The letter was sent to 15 committees and their subcommittees. The letter below is a template of what was sent to committees.

2023 NGO & Foundation Transparency Report Card

For the seventh consecutive year, Green 2.0 presents data on the diversity of staff and inclusivity practices of non-profit organizations (“NGOs”) and foundations in the environmental sector. After the murder of George Floyd and calls for racial and social justice in 2020, many sector organizations publicly committed to centering racial equity in internal staffing, organizational policies, and external programming. Three years later, this report serves as a key mechanism to hold organizations accountable for those promises.


If you are a Congressional office or stakeholder who would like to know more about how Green 2.0 educates Congress, please contact Adriane Alicea, Managing Director at


The only way to protect the world we live in is to convince young people to join the fight, and we all know younger, more diverse Americans aren’t going to engage with a movement that looks stuck in the past. The lack of awareness we’ve seen recently from some organizations is exactly what Green 2.0 was built to combat, and that work is now more critical than ever. The window of opportunity for Big Green to stay relevant is starting to close, and unless we see some changes, new models that reflect the world we live in are going to take their place.

Congressman Raúl Grijalva

Chairman of the House Natural Resources Committee

Green 2.0 is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that believes the voices and leadership of a truly powerful environmental movement must be as diverse as the causes it champions.